Posted by Jeff Markarian on May 15, 2019
The Ken May 13, 2019
Attendance: Ron Levea
Invocation: Tim Glor
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Today’s meeting was at the Paddock Dome where we recognized 6 Junior High School students for their accomplishments as they prepare for High School. We gave our Pledge and Tim Glor gave the invocation. Donna immediately handed the meeting off to Tom Schwob who gave the presentations.
The recipients are from top row across: Wilson Hendershot from St. Andrews, Nicholas Patkalitsky from St. Cristopher, Allie Gartz from Ben Franklin, Emily Mical from St. John’s, Genevieve Blumberg from Hoover Middle, and Maximillian Riso from St. Amelia and a group shot of all the winners. It was great to hear from their administrators all they have accomplished. Larry was able to give all in the crowd a little bio on what Rotary is and does. I always like the part that the United Nations is made up of 193 sovereign nations, The Red Cross and Rotary. Take that Kiwanis.
Meeting adjourned