District 51 Criminal Justice Services, Advocacy, Outreach and Connections
Nov 18, 2015
Jennifer Sheetz, Susana Wittrock
District 51 Criminal Justice Services, Advocacy, Outreach and Connections

Intro:  Rotarian Steve Schultz

Topic:  A significant increase of marijuana use in Mesa County, especially among the youth, has sparked a community-based collaboration between several agencies to address the issue. The Mesa County Drug Over­sight Taskforce is composed of representatives from the Grand Junction Police Department, Mesa County Health Department, Partners, CASA, Hilltop, School District #51, and more. The Task Force especially wants to impress it upon the community the negative use among children. 

Bio:  Speaking on recent trends of drug use are Jennifer Sheetz and Susana Wittrock, both with Mesa Valley School District #51.  Jennifer is the Criminal Justice Data Analyst for the District Attorney's Office and Criminal Justice Services Department and the co-chair of the DTOC.  Susana’s role with the school district is to support students who are struggling with substance use. This is accom­plished by identifying individual student needs and planning towards appropriate services. She has partici­pated with the Drug Oversight Taskforce as a representative of the School District 51.​