Our Program on September 14th was "Love for Words", a presentation of Patty Williams. She was introduced by her husband, Bob, who spoke with carefully chosen words.

Patty has a love for words and their proper use that extends back to grade school and the old Excelsior library. Readers tend to treasure proper usage of words more than non-readers, and Patty was a voracious reader as a youngster. Though the years, examples of bad grammar and misused words cause her to set up the "Grammar Police", and she points out errors to offenders throughout the area. The announcers at WCCO radio seem to be the main target, but other broadcasters have also received "citations".

Patty listed a number of usages and errors that are generally used, giving examples of each as she went along. Most of her pet peeves are errors we hear or see every day, and most of the audiences members were nodding their heads at her examples.

I was going to report her talk with paragraphs filled with bad usage and even worse spelling, but I couldn't do it. However, I hear that Ron Hughes sent Patty a thank you note for her talk that was full of bad grammar and usage. How do we join the crusade, Patty? (Story by Tad Shaw and posting and photo by Steve Frazier)