Fellow Rotarians and Friends of the Monadnock Rotary Club
Our speaker for the week of November 8, 2015, was Tyler Hogan.  Tyler talked about how his studies/work at Harvard Business School led him and his partner to research small companies that they might "invest in" or acquire, as entrepreneurs, with the objective of growing the company while gaining experience.  Tyler describer the process they used to identify, screen and evaluate potential prospects which resulted in their screening literally hundreds of potential companies.  In all, this process took more than one year to finally identify the company they pursued.
Ultimately, they selected Pure Flow which is a local company and Tyler moved to Peterborough.  Pure Flow manufactures and sells water purification systems that produce extremely "pure" water which is used in hospitals and companies who have a need for "super clean" water.
Our next meeting will be November 17, 2015, at the Dublin Community Church  starting at 7:30 AM.  Our speakers will be Wayne and Dee Thomas who will talk about veterans and the American Legion.  Paul Tuller has the Invocation and Jerry Branch has the Hat.
Rob Harris
President 2015-2016