"Our" swimmers graduate!

In 2016, the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor decided to sponsor the transportation of children from the west end of San Rafael (Canal District) to central San Rafael High School so "Make a Splash" non-profit teaching center could give them swimming lessons.

Showing Andrea Salmi (left) and  Isa Ferris displaying the $750 check from the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor.
Pictured from l to right starting with Helen Abe (behind Andrea and Isa): Bev Shwert, Immediate Past President.  Carola Detrick, President Elect.  Susan Lundy,  Barbara Weldon, Public Service Chair.  Stacie Strassberg.  Tom Sutton,  Hugh Murphy, President.

Graduation Day for 4 to 8 year old swimmers!

Our commitment was inspired by 14 year Isa Ferris, who is herself an instructor and wanted to help expand the program to, as she said when she spoke to us last November:  "I’ve been swimming with the marlins for 6 years and realize how fortunate I am to swim.  I believe everyone should have the same opportunity."   Isa gave the brief (2 yr old) history of Make a Splash in San Rafael, and then shared her story of instructing a six year old:  "Kelven is 6 years old and a big fan of batman. I got into the pool with him and he was a little hesitant to start swimming. I knew I needed to do something fun and creative to get him excited to swim. I channeled my inner six year old. Well, Kelven likes batman, so why don’t we do some batman missions? There were tables set up in the shallow end of the pool so that the kids can stand  above the water without the teachers. Kelven and I pretended he was batman. I told him he had a batman mission. “Batman Batman, the city of SR has a mission for you. There are people stranded on the table and they need your help. The only way to save them is if you do ice
cream scoop arms and a strong kick. They need your help!” To my surprise Kelvin’s anxiety vanished and he was swimming so fast I could barely keep up with him. When he got to the table and saved the day I would say, “You’re my hero!” As Batman, Kelven also liked to show
off. Showing me how many bobs he could do under water. I have to admit it felt like the ultimate playdate."