Kathy McGee led us in the Flag Salute.
Midge Stork gave our Inspirational Message.
Bruce McGee announced that our raffle prize was a $50 gift card to Cafe Fiore.
President Husam introduced our guests and visiting Rotarians. Guest of the club was Sharon Daley and our speaker Ayn Devera.
John Borneman led us in a song.
Presidents Announcments:
There will be a Basic PRLS class this Saturday.
Next Wednesday there will be a Community Service Meeting at Todd Juvonen's office at 5:30 pm.
Jeff Hata spoke about Nightmare on the Hill. Sponsorships are going well. We need to also focus on gathering raffle prize now too.
Bruce McGee announced that we will have a booth at the District Conference to help support GoCare. We will need help setting up, manning and tearing down the booth. 
President Bruce let us know that November is R.I. Foundation month. There will be programs about the Foundation coming up. Many of our members have donated over $1,000 which equals a Paul Harris Fellowship. Bruce read off a list of members who have $1,000 or more in donations. Please consider donating your points to the club to give out or plan on giving a Paul Harris Fellow when we have special meetings such as when the District Governor is here.
President Husam read a Thank You letter from Naomi Stodgy, a 2016 Scholarship Recipient.
Happy $'s: Joe Strohman, Tim Blackwell, Bill Gray, Tim Hughes, Harriet Clune, Kris Hansen, Husam Hishmeh.
Midge Stork conducted the raffle and our lucky winner was Joe Strohman!!!