The bell was rung by President Husam Hismeh to start the meeting at noon with a call to lunch.
After the flag salute, led by Carol Marquez-Olson, the inspirational message was given by Harriet Clune.  Tim Hughes told a very funny joke; John Borneman led us in an entertaining song; Midge Stork announced the raffle prize of an Amazon gift card donated by Michelle Cekov (Bill Gray was the winner); Jordan Eller took attendance and President Husam thanked Amber Stevens for being Greeter and also announcing our visitors.  A thanks goes out to everyone who helped out at the meeting.
Announcements:  Our meeting on Thursday, September 29 will be a visit to Bob Lynn’s Jewelry to learn everything you ever wanted to know about making beautiful things!  Todd Juvonen announced Community Service opportunities and Tim Hughes presented the Access Book for sale at $30.  President Husam announced that our member, Jeff Hata, had undergone surgery on Wednesday and is recovering, expecting to return home on Friday.  Everyone wishes him a quick recovery.
Our speaker was Dr. Frochtzwajg, M.D.  He spoke about finding a new doctor when your current physician retires; it was a very interesting presentation.  He also described the process of becoming a new doctor and handling the usually 6 figure debt acquired during your medical school studies.  CMH has a comprehensive program now for training new doctors.  He also elaborated on the relative earnings differential between family physicians and specialists.  It was a very informative presentation.  Dr. Frochtzwajg remained after the meeting to answer questions from several members. 
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.