Dick Gallagher led us in the Flag Salute.
Juan Mendoza gave our Inspirational Message.
Bob Pazen introduced our guests and visiting Rotarians.
Starting with our speaker, Sheriff Geoff Dean and his support staff Sgt. Denise Silva.
Guest of Michelle Cekov was her husband Mark.
Guests of Juan Mendoza were Elizabeth Jomali, Gala Mendez and Luis Mendez.
Guests of President Husam was Rula Hishmeh and Kevin Daley.
Guest of Tim Hughes was John Hughes.
Guest of Bill Crookston was Alex Ysguerle.
Visiting Rotarians from Ventura-Downtown were Gary Wolfe and Curtis Cormaine.
John Masterson spoke about a proposed 4 day cruise to Ensenada in February. If you are interested in going, please let John know.
Ron Polito gave a Club Foundation update. We are at an all time high. Our intent with the Beckwith account was to be able to give scholarships every year, but as we saw this year if there is a downturn in the market our funds could be limited. Our understanding was that if we did not award all the scholarship money that was profits from the Beckwith account that any monies left over would go into the corpus of the account. After having discussions with other estate attorneys, it has been decided that we can "bank" leftover funds from good years to use in down years.
Bill Spellman is doing the play Annie Get Your Gun. Bill's advice is that if you want to go, buy your tickets early because every performance has been selling out.
Jason Rebibo did the raffle for Midge Stork today. The gift was a $50 gift card to Wood Ranch donated by Bill Gray. Jason also announced that he has been AWOL the last few weeks because he's been escorting his wife to the doctor's office ... they are expecting their 1st? child!!! Congratulations Jason!!!
President Husam picked up Andy Corliss and brought Andy to the meeting today!!!
Todd Juvonen gave our Joke of the Day followed by John Borneman who led us in our song.
Bruce McGee announced that if you want to help Rotaract with the Mexico build you will have to drive down and meet them there. The bus is officially sold out!
Jason Rebibo conducted the raffle and our lucky winner was Tim Hughes.