Rotary Club of Everett
Tuesday, 5-17-2022 - Rotary Scholarship Awards Day - Norwegian Constitution Day
As the early arrivers entered the meeting hall the stage curtains were half open exposing a large quantity of haphazard, meant to be stored, items.  The “Hollywood Squares” screen and the early ZOOMERS were not to be seen.  As we found out President Greg Lineberry was frantically looking for the key ring with a chicken on it as that was the magic key to be used to lower the electric screen.  As the screen was lowered the next thing, we knew the stage came alive as the online Rotarians and greeter, Past President Debra Wright, could be seen and heard by all of us at Hensen Hall.
At 12:01 pm President Greg asked if the ZOOMERS were ready and once they settled down, he led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and into our 45th meeting of the year and our 5,446th meeting of the Rotary Club of Everett.
President Greg stepped in to provide us with the Thought of the Day. 
Part 1.
President Greg started the day in a rush and behind on his own schedule as he was preparing himself for all he needed to do today.  …get ready for the scholarship awards, make sure the certificates are correct, grab the laptop for Rotary (he grabbed the wrong computer), his wife called and wanted him to go back home and get her cell phone,  he got her phone and also a coffee (Thoughtful gesture) and drove to the garage at the County to give her, her phone and her treat.  As he called her to tell her he was in the garage waiting he realized he had her phone…  It kept going that way all morning for President Greg until he found that key ring with the chicken on it. Some days you just need a Do-Over.
Part 2:
Over the weekend President Greg, President Elect Tammy Dunn and others from our club attended the Rotary 5050 District Conference.  It was an unbelievable experience and it renewed in all that attended the meaning of Rotary and what good we as an organization can do at home and in the world.
Fred Safstrom introduced Rhonda Maybrook as his guest.  Rhonda works at Housing Hope and was a 17 year member of the Rotary Club in Mount Vernon. (I apologize if I didn’t get this right)
President Elect Tammy and Past President Debra were at the District 5050 Foundation Dinner and were presented with a certificate to our club commemorating our 2020-2021 contributions to help eradicate polio.  Past President John Olson was called to the lectern to accept the award and he graciously accepted the certificate on behalf of the whole club, applause followed.
Kari Petrasek told us about a Jamaican drink made with, among other things, hibiscus flowers.  This drink is very popular and is purported to cure many if not almost all ailments.  This Flor de Jamaica drink is enjoyed naturally and it is also commonly enjoyed mixed with spirits.  We all had a chance to enjoy a glass of the drink in its natural state at the meeting. 
There will be another Blood Drive coming up, more details to follow.
President Greg will provide more details at next weeks meeting about boxed lunch orders.
Anna Marie Laurence attended the Kentucky Derby and had a wonderful time but she unfortunately contracted COVID during here she will not be able to attend the scholarship awards in person tonight.  Russ Kimball, Past President John, President Greg, and Sandy will be on hand to orchestrate the program.
President Greg said he will need volunteers to step up to help out on the June 1st college shopping spree at the Mill Creek Fred Myer store.
George Bowden announced a World Community Service meeting that will be held at 5:30 pm next week (I did not catch the day) at Past President Ed Petersen’s home
Kelly Shepherd gave $100.00 happy dollars for being named the next principal of Everett High School.
Past President Marc Baker told us how great it is to be retired, travel and see beautiful sites.  To prove this he attempted to use his phone and scan his outdoor surroundings, the image was so dark it looked like midnight to all of us.  Thank you, Marc, for the $5.00.happy dollars and we’ll look forward   to the Do-Over so we can really see what you are enjoying on your journey’s.
Fred Safstrom was the first winner of the afternoon, and he collected a bottle of red wine and a wine” mug”.
George Bowden received a bottle of red wine and a deck of “connect” cards to be used during the wine party with friends.
Cathryn Cole also won a bottle of red wine and hers was paired with a bag of Ghirardelli Chocolates.
Don Steward introduced our speaker, Dr. Chris Geyer (who is also his daughter). Chris is an English Professor at Cazenovia College in New York State.  She teaches college freshman and over the years has observed that they have very similar traits that need to be overcome.  They have high levels of social, testing, and separation (home sickness) anxiety along with a lack of inherent engagement.  They tend to not read (even required books), and they often avoid anything political.  When asked about why they don’t engage the standard answer is that they only read, write, and think about things that interest them.
The College experience is meant to help expand thought processes and to help understand several sides to an issue. To help promote this and provide parents and others a guide to help younger students prepare for college, Chris has produced the following top 5 list.
No. 5
  • Foster Inquiry - There is no limit on the amount of learning you can do
  • Observation
  • Curiosity
  • Wonder
  • Ask Questions
No. 4
  • Conversation - Heartbeat of College Life - Store and Process Information
  • Teach them to introduce themselves to others and adults
  • Ask them about their interests
  • Invite them to talk to you about your interests
  • Engage them in adult groups
  • Like help them stamp out the world they all like to use at the beginning of a sentence.(like)
No. 3
  • Promote sustained reading (attention)
  • Literature
  • Non-Fiction
  • Read with them, if possible
  • Create a book club environment
No. 2
  • Teaches to focus
  • Teaches consequential thinking
  • Teaches awareness and anticipation
  • Other options, Sudoku, KenKen, Logic, etc.
No. 1
Right Reasons - College is:
  • Expensive as just a job training site
    • Not the only form of “Higher Education”
      • A degree is not for everyone
        • Everyone should be able to get a degree, but not everyone needs a degree
  • Exposure to new ideas
  • Engagement with new and different people
  • Challenges to ways of thinking
  • Learning to learn
President Greg asked what grade level should we be focusing on to teach them these skills?
Middle School
Judi Edwards added that she has challenged herself to read more and this year she is on
track to read 40 books.
Laura Zorick mentioned that Mike Rowe (Television Host of Dirty Jobs) has a foundation that promotes blue collar trades. (Mike Rowe WORKS Foundation)
David Chan said that college is where you go to learn how to live.
Chris will send out an email to President Greg that will have a copy of her presentation along with other references to look over.
Future President Neil Angst asked how professor’s deal with student’s who apparently start their college classes with their minds made up.
Chris said the professor’s job is to teach students how to think, discuss and accept others’ opinions.
President Greg adjourned the meeting at 12:59 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andy Hall, PP
Photography Submitted by.
Tammy Dunn
Naval Station Everett Update, presented by Captain Josh M