
December 1, 2014


President Brad Burdick welcomed Club members and thanked those members who were part of the day’s meeting (while butchering Paula McCandlis’ name).


Slate of Officers and Directors
Past President, Gregor Hodgson, announced the slate of officer nominees for the 2015-2016 Rotary year:
President: Chuck Snyder
President-Elect:  Del VandeKerk
Treasurer: John Holzheimer
VP/Program Chair: Teri Treat
Two of the following four members will be selected for the Board of Directors:
Scott Hume, Sandy McIntyre, Nathan Twining, Dominique Zervas
Major Project
David Blair gave the Club an update on the Club’s major project: Sun House. David thanked the Club members, saying that 61% of the membership have made pledges. David encouraged members to complete pledge forms so the Club can have a better sense of where we are with respect to our goal of $100,000. So far, the pledges total 76% of our fundraising goal.
To all Past Presidents
President Brad requests the honor of your presence at a Past President’s Assembly Thursday, January 29th from 7:00 to 8:30
Location: Mount Baker Theatre Encore Room            Wine, Beer and snacks will be provided
The purpose of this assembly will be to thank you for your service, and to get your input on several current topics and future plans the board is considering.
This will be a working meeting in a “fireside chat” format reserved exclusively for past presidents and current club leadership.
Please RSVP to Sandee or Brad
Brad reminded Club members that next week’s meeting will be our opportunity to thank the Northwood wait staff with holiday tips. They do not receive tips during the year.
Brad also announced that there would be a brief Board meeting after today’s meeting to address one issue.
Finally, Brad thanked all Club members who were part of the volunteer work party at the Stimpson Family Nature Reserve (photos of which were playing as a slideshow at the start of the meeting). All non-participants were asked to put a dollar on the table.
Jim Voss reminded Salvation Army bell ringers to call their co-ringers next week to remind them of their time slots. Jim also asked for Club members to sign up to be alternate bell ringers, in case there’s a need for replacements.

Guests of Rotarians:

Tim Farris brought John Dunne
Joe Coons introduced his wife, Judy
Teri Treat brought Bob Lafortune with Michael's Business Machines
Marilyn Mastor introduced Susan McDermott
John Harris brought his wife, Patricia


Presentations and Program: USFactsFirst - Joe Coons

Our own Joseph Coons was introduced by Debbie Ahl. Joe has recently completed a book, entitled “USFactsFirst,” which is described as a “fact-filled guide to the issues facing America in politics, the economy, finance, government, crime, education, health care & the media.” Joe’s book is intended to be non-partisan and informative, providing important, basic, and broad data, from which readers can reach their own conclusions. The book covers 15 subject areas, but Joe’s program focused on just two: the national debt and income taxes.

Joe was inspired to write his book because he was sick of the inaccuracy and bias of media reporting. He set some parameters for his research: 1) sources must be reliable and politics-free; 2) time periods must be long enough to see trends; and 3) the BIG influences in each area are what matter most. Joe ended up with a huge spreadsheet, with around 14,000 data points.

Joe first focused on national debt. Every president since Eisenhower has had a deficit over his tenure. Adjusted for inflation, deficits only started to go up in the early 1980s. For 30 years prior to about 1982, the real debt was quite constant, even through wars and recession.

Showing the Club various charts from his book, Joe showed that changes to the income tax rates correlate to significant income equality, as well as ballooning national debt. Joe showed how the reduction in income tax rates benefitted the top earners much more so than the rest of the citizenry.

Joe then talked a little about the recent “Great Recession.” He showed the Club a slide that showed the real cost of the “Great Recession.” Looking at 2007 through 2012, Joe showed the projected change in GDP if no recession occurred (based upon average GDP growth of 2.86% per year, 61 years, 1947-2007). In effect, the country fell behind by $8.35 trillion dollars. This is the equivalent of the entire country’s economy shutting down for half a year.
In Joe’s book, unlike in his Rotary program, he doesn’t share his conclusions with the reader, but rather, just poses questions based on the data. Joe’s hope is to inspire thoughtful, fact-based discussions on the various issues addressed in his book.

Joe then took questions from Club members.
A link to more information on USFactsFirst can be found here.
Feb 23, 2015
Mar 02, 2015
Mar 09, 2015
Mar 16, 2015
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Upcoming Events
Rotary International "110th" Anniversary
Feb 23, 2015
New Member Breakfast
Best Western Lakeway Inn - Oboe Cafe
Feb 23, 2015
7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
Doubletree Inn - SeaTac
Mar 06, 2015 8:00 AM –
Mar 08, 2015 3:00 PM
Board of Directors
Mar 12, 2015
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
New Member Breakfast
Best Western Lakeway Inn - Oboe Cafe
Mar 30, 2015
7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
Board of Directors
Dorothy Haggen Building - 3rd Floor
Apr 09, 2015
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
District Training Assembly
Apr 11, 2015
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
New Member Breakfast
Best Western Lakeway Inn - Oboe Cafe
Apr 27, 2015
7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
District Conference 7 Golf Tournament
Tulalip Resort and Casino
Apr 30, 2015
Board of Directors
Dorothy Haggen Building - 3rd Floor
May 14, 2015
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
103 E. HOLLY, SUITE 414
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Editor:  Peter Theisen
Reporter:  Matt Hammatt
Invocation:  Mike Plenkovich
Greeter & Announcer:  Dick Tucker
Greeter:  Paula McCandlis
Raffle:  Nathan Twining
Music:  Don Anderson
Photographer:  Marty Haines
Social Media:  Nathan Twining
AV:  Rick Kaiser
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice-President/Program Chairman
Past President
Director - Media
Director - Rotary World
Director - Membership
Director - Events
Executive Secretary
Website Administrator