Pat Hahn — Past President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Guest:  Douglas Dunn 

Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Pat called the meeting to order at 7:20 am and led the singing of the National anthem, ‘O Canada.’
Rick provided the invocation.
Pat introduced and welcomed Douglas Dunn from SOS Children’s Village, BC
Rotary Minute:  No Rotary Minute was shared this meeting.
Events – Sources 40th Anniversary – September 15.
Rotary 5 Club tent can still use volunteer help with meet and greet, set up and take down.  Anyone able to assist is asked to let Pat know.
Events – Rotary Leadership Institute Dates
An email was distributed to the membership about Leadership events.  Pat shared that these series of sessions are designed to deepen understanding of Rotary and resources.  Part 1 is offered in Chilliwack on Sept 22 and another session will be held in Everett in October.  Cost is reimbursed by club.
Events -- Membership Seminar October 18th
Rob Prosch will be holding a Membership Seminar scheduled for the evening of October 18.  Pat will provide more details as the arrangements are confirmed. 
Rick to follow up with Rob to also see if he is available to speak at a regular business meeting as well.
Events -- Christmas Party
Pat shared that Renee graciously volunteered her clubhouse again this year for the Christmas Party. 
Rick offered to call Renee to explore potential dates.
Events – Polar Bear Swim
Alan agreed to continue to be involved with this on our behalf.
Events – Club Social September 19
Rick confirmed the Chaba Thai restaurant for the September social.  The address is 5723 – 176th St.  – Unit #1 Cloverdale – across from the Legion.  Rick reminded us that you can BYOB and there is no corkage fee.  Please confirm to Rick if you will be attending so Rick can provide the anticipated numbers to the restaurant.
Funding Request -- Roots of Empathy
Following their presentation at the July 11, 2018 Business Meeting, the Roots of Empathy representatives submitted a donation request to fund instructors for their program.
This request will be forwarded to the Executive for review.
Fund Raising – Beer Gardens at TD Concerts
Rick suggested that we seriously pursue details about partnering with the BIA to host the beer gardens at their concerts.  It was agreed that this could be a great way to raise funds and will be discussed further at the next Executive.
Fund Raising – Sources Breakfast in March
Peter has represented our club at these planning meetings in the past.  Pat acknowledged that Peter would like to pass the torch and encouraged him to find someone who would work with him to learn the ropes with an eye to take over this task.
Fund Raising – Save-On Food Cards
Rhonda encouraged members to purchase the cards from her while Don is away.  Pat reviewed the program, confirming that 17 cents on every dollar goes to Sources, while the card recipient enjoys the full card value at any Save-On store.
Fund Raising – Sip and Savour Event
Pat shared that Jeff Wong use to coordinate this event.  Pat noted that without Swirl’s lead role in this, would this be an event that the Rotary 5 clubs might want to pursue?  He will share any further discussions with us.
Pat encouraged our members to support the Rotaract Club Meetings held on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at the Rotary Field House.
Next Meetings:
**There will be NO Executive Meeting on September 19. **
It was agreed that we instead combine the Executive and Business Meeting on September 26. 
Guest Speaker – Douglas Dunn
Pat introduced Douglas Dunn from SOS Children’s Village.
Douglas is a professional fund raiser and entrepreneur with a long and extensive history with Rotary.  As a young Rotarian, he flew to South Africa to find hosts for the exchange program and noted that his international Rotary experience changed his life.
SOS is an international program offering an alternative model to our traditional foster care.  They believe that every child should belong to a family and grow with love, respect and security.
Douglas shared that SOS operates from 4 key principles:
  1.  Heart of the home is a mom or dad who is trained to be a professional caregiver.
  2. Seek to keep siblings together.
  3. Offer a safe and secure home within the same community through a village structure.
  4. Make a life-time commitment for each child.
Douglas provided a number of examples of how the traditional foster care system is bursting at its seams and failing children.He then described how their model of care is a more effective approach, operating as the world’s largest child development agency that is non-political.They have 498,000 kids under their guardianship.
He believes that the key to their success rests with their professionally trained care-givers, and their life-time commitment to each child.
SOS has been nominated 13 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Canada currently shows that 8/1000 children are in foster care, and the average in developed countries is 1/1000.
Delegated agency status to obtain guardianship
Want to show infrastructure program that returns 200% ROI
Investment in 10 years to redesign the Canadian foster care system bring the number of children in care in Canada down to 1/1000.
Asking for;
1)  Talk to others about SOS!
2)  Think about foster kids and give them a chance to succeed — call SOS for help.
3)  Always need funds - gift cards are great.  Kids on street ask for grocery cards - many are couch surfing and need food.
Douglas closed with a couple of touching success stories, illustrating how a life-time commitment of professional caregivers helps to create successful and productive citizens.
Pat thanked Douglas for his poignant presentation.
Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:45 am.