
Pat Hahn — Past President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Carlos Galvez
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille


Eva Galvez
Alex Nixon
Sameer Gambhir


Welcome and Call to Order:

Pat called the meeting to order at 7:15am, Scott led national anthem, Carlos provided the invocation and Pat introduced the guests.

Sameer Gambhir -- District 3141 in Mumbai Western Elite
Sameer provided us with a brief overview of their club.  They have 221 members. Take members with a reference - usually associated with charities.  Their club looks at establishing an agenda for the next 3 years and this guides their activities.

Sameer is responsible for member engagement and cultural initiatives.  They host many festivals and talent competitions, including dancing and singing as well as a sports day.  His wife is into yoga - sponsors a yoga retreat.  Active in all kinds of charities - school children, and medical camps for cancer etc.  Every month there is a medical camp and eye surgery/cataract surgery.  Anyone who needs financial support, they help out.  Ambassadors as they travel abroad – their members have visited over 100 clubs in the past year. 
Similarities to what they do and we do here as well was noted.


July 21 - District Governor Installation and Awards
Linda Murray is the outgoing District Governor and the incoming DG is Brad Whitaker.

Canadian Eyesight Global (CEG) Gala 30-year Anniversary Dinner – August 18
Pat reminded us of this event – it looks like we will have enough participation for 1 table and perhaps even 2 tables.

Rotary International President, Mark Maloney will be the keynote speaker.

August 17 -- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Rotary International President, Mark Maloney speaking at KPU ( 72nd  in Surrey) from 4pm - -6pm.)

Golf Fun August 23
Homestead Golf and Country Club - Linden WA.  Our club will put together a foursome.

Save-On Gift Cards
Pat shared a letter from John Block regarding the Save-on Foods gift cards program.  This marks the end of the 3rd year of the program.  Save-On made a commitment to support a couple of more years, and John emphasized that they need more 1% sponsors.  A 10% obligation costs approximately $3,000 annually. 

Beer Garden Update
Jeff, Pat, Scott, and Rhonda provided updates.
Scott mentioned that the wine (boxed) has to be through BCLC because we are re-selling the wine. 
Need coolers and ice for white wine.  Scott also ordered cans of beer - Molson Canadian and Coors which were on sale. 
Rhonda shared that the efforts to sell advertising space on the fence has not produced any commitments yet. 
Soliciting members of the Chamber of Commerce and the 5 Rotary Clubs have not yet born any fruit. Rhonda distributed a sample of the admission card.

Jeff briefed the group on the use of the square for taking purchases. 

Pat provided a general update from the planning committee.


Guest Speaker – Alex Nixon, Business Improvement Association (BIA)

Pat introduced Alex Nixon from BIA.

Pat commented on how active and busy Alex is and we are grateful to have him visit this morning.

Started with BIA a little over a year ago.  Only staff person - so really focused on building capacity to do more for businesses.  Non-profit, funded with levy on commercial properties. 
Promote support and help to market businesses — community beautification, business advocacy - events.  Recently added a full-time staff member to increase activities. 

Doubled major and micro events — took a digital approach to marketing and increased reach and increased media and print marketing, radio and now tv ads through a program available to non-profits.

They have added a number of events!  Events are fun and good for the community.  Brought 19,000 people to the Concerts.  Added 3 movie nights in June. 
Movie nights -- about 300 attendees per movie night.  Fresh Air bring the equipment - one every week-end in June next year.

White Rock Craft Beer Festival - will sell 400 tickets.

Micro events - way to activate business - family friendly, free and encourages buy in from all businesses.  Examples include Halloween and Easter events which involve lots of kids.  They will be adding a Christmas event.  Not looking at massive crowds, more intended for family friendly participation.

Alex emphasized the BIA’s role in advocacy for local businesses. 
Provided the example of the reduction of the patio cost per sq. ft. reduced. 
Parking in White Rock at the waterfront presents 2 major challenges — summer there is never enough and in winter no one uses it. Translink increases parking lot tax 3% and BIA worked with City and now November-Jan offers free parking to offset increased parking fees for summer.  This changes people behaviour.  Enclosed patios allow more year-round waterfront and can sit outside. 

Marketing and Promotion — revamped contests and used Facebook to drive support to member businesses websites.  Alex stated that this was very successful. 

Massive increase in Facebook audience but have not neglected more traditional markets.  Stepped up newspaper ads/ locally and regionally, general and event specific ads, radio ads for events, and now tv ads - 1500 spots at about $3000.  Looking for different ways to capitalize on that.

Beautification - street lighting and banners and planter boxes — exceptionally expensive.  $15000 for banners times 4 seasons would be $60,000.  5 corners tree alone is $20,000. Lighting up and down Johnson would cost $45,000.  Beautification has a $42,000 budget and rely on contractors.  This is an area BIA not able to do well and looking to move away from this and focus on other areas the produce a greater return on investment that provide direct benefits for our businesses.

White Rock vs other BIAs – our budget is on low end but we still accomplish a lot.  Yaletown has 25% more members but budget is 3-4X. 

Brian brought up issue of city trucks with only 1 person per truck taking up parking spaces to weed.  This jeopardizes support for businesses.  Alex acknowledged advocacy with city is a long and ongoing process.

Pier - phase 1 - insurance pays to bring damaged section up to code for replacement – should be completed by the end of August.  Phase 2 - rest of pier up to code beyond the scope of insurance and will cost about $11 m. 

Pat thanked Alex and Sameer.


Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:30am.