Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Scott Phemister
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rhonda Latreille

Alex Nixon

Call to Order and Welcome:

 Jerry called the meeting to order, Scott led the singing of the national anthem, and Pat offered the invocation.


Rhonda thanked Peter for preparing the minutes in her absence.

Jeff is scheduled for his open heart surgery today and Deirdre will be communicating with Marjorie.  Jerry and Jeff had discussed the need for a back up treasurer to be established to cover when Jeff is not available.  Jerry mentioned that he could do this in interim while we search for another accountant to join our club.

 Next meeting is at White Rock Learning Centre — Roberta will bring muffins.  PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE SO ROBERTA KNOWS THE NUMBERS.

 Social - Feb 19 - Roadhouse on King George.

Coldest Night Walk - Saturday Feb 22 - Karilin will make some chilli for everyone!

Peace Arch Meeting - on Feb 24 at noon at the Hazelmere Country Club. 
Brian and Chip giving a presentation about Cambodia and Hospice.  Everyone welcome.  Their club has money they could contribute to project these projects.

Brad Whitaker - Rotary Youth Leadership Award - RYLA - May 7-10 - ages 18-28. 
Both Jerry and Roberta attended last two - very inspiring for them to see the youth involvement and commitment.  $300 US$ to sponsor someone - do not need to be Rotaract.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this?  Average age about 21-22.  Held around Mt. Baker - about an hour away.  No electronics - cannot leave the site.  Bible study camp so restrictions on dress.  Put through group team situations.  Jerry commented on many hugs!!!  They have one big project they have to work on.  Someone from White Rock Ambassadors was suggested.

Lindagene - sent out a note about the Sassy awards.  Looking for anyone who we might designate as an award winner.  Perhaps Janice at White Rock Learning Centre has someone in mind they could designate.  $1,000 for student and a $500 donation made to a charity of their choice.  To sponsor student there is a cost.    Perhaps we could co-sponsor a student as our contribution to them .  Pat suggested that we give her a heads up.  Nominations need to be made by Feb 26.  5-6 different categories.

 Rotary Learning Institute - taking place next Saturday at Hollywood Inn Express in Richmond.  Saturday 8:30 - 4:00 Feb 15 -- (long weekend - Family day weekend)

District Training Assembly - KPU - no date mentioned yet.  Usually in April.
It was questioned why a club of 100 has to pay for 5 registrations and a club of 15 will also have to pay for 5.

District convention - April 30 to May 3 in Harrison Hot Springs. 
Adding lots of events for spouses and non-members.

5 Club Breakfast - March 21.  Chip looking for folks to commit.

 Sergeant of Arms - Scott

Talked about coronavirus and how this might impact Scott and Ramona’s trip to Vietnam.
Ramona left for Mexico.
Chip talked about the summary of the events happening in China around the virus.

 Guest Speaker:

Alex Nixon – Executive Director
White Rock BIA

Exciting Year Planned - this year even busier!

Last year - Art Show - Movie Night – Concerts

1st annual craft beer festival in Sept.

Busters at 5 corners - Comedy Festival - sold out each show in May.

BIAs renewed every 5 years - reversed petition - if you don’t want to contribute, must opt-out in writing.  Previously,  27% wrote in and in 2019 - only 6% wrote in.

5 year term - doubled number of programs and now at capacity.

Health and Wellness - April

Holiday events in Solatire, and vote on favourite businesses in White Rock

Craft beer festival sold out in 2 weeks!  Unfortunately, attracted scammers and false tickets (about 20 purchased bogus tickets...)

Concerts at the pier - 24,000 last year including 2 on east beach - about half for these 2 events.

Marketing - reduced patio fees - were $15 per sq ft and now $4 per sq ft!
Advocated for free parking Nov - Jan. 

City doesn’t make much money for parking during these months so they are not losing much during these times - really make their money in summer months.  Estimated loss in revenue so small but big help to restaurants there!

Want to make patios useable 365 days a year.

Was the BIA part of 2 salsa nights?  BIA helped a bit.

Beer Gardens again - how we can maximize revenues???  BIA would love to work with us on this again.

$450,000 fee from railway to rent road way that takes away from parking...?  Translink tax on parking lots - 24% on revenue.   Public and private as well as gst at 5%.  City pays this through paid parking (not property tax).

CAC (community amenities contributions) and property tax are revenue sources. 
White Rock property tax base is 22 million.
Richmond has 9x population and tax is 12 x population. 
Minimal cost for everything and White Rock doesn’t have much left over. 

Membership of 600 in BIA - 273 lease spaces.  Increasing by 8%

Highest and best use is applicable in White Rock. 
Property taxed on Highest And Best Use. 
However - if they change this - not reducing tax burden - just shifting from one property to another.  If you reduce on one - you raise on others...

Jerry thanked Alex


Jerry adjourned at 8:30 am and invited anyone to stay to continue to speak with Alex.

 Next meeting at Learning Centre.