Bryce McElroy introduced Lisa Mander from Red Horse Assisted Services. Lisa has an impressive list of credentials in the area of counseling and dealing with disabled and at risk children. She also has an equally impressive list in the area of competitive and recreational riding. She explained that this program involves no riding but utilizes the horses in developing confidence and interaction with a non-judgmental partner.A lot of the programing is done with first Nations youth. Their group is looking for assistance in building a Round Pen ($50,000) that will allow them to conduct their program outside in the usual BC winter(Rainy) weather. This pen will enable them to expand the program to year round as it currently has to shut down Oct-March.The program achieves good outcomes but is expensive. Currently the individual programs have been funded by School Districts and agencies.

President John presented Lisa with a token of our appreciation for sharing this program with us and advised our Board will review her request.
