On tuesday we had the pleasure of hearing from Steve Rutledge (a Rotarian from Ontario) on his Foundations efforts to improve the lives of residents of villages in
Laos. Their Mission is to provide new water sources,clean water,education facilities and sponsorship,hygene training focusing on rural 
locations. He presented a short movie documenting recent trips into villages and the really desperate conditions in this small country that
endured heavy bombing during the US war with its neighbout Vietnam. One way they help to improve access to clean water is the supply
and distribute Water filters.This simple device with a cost of a mere $75 can provide a family of 8 with clean drinkable water removing bacteria,
Protozoa,parasitic worms and other solids that contribute to major health issues. 

Here are some facts about LAOS..   
Population 6.9 million. Average age 20.8 years, Life expectency Male 54 years,Female 56 years. Average annual income $970 
Education less than 15% of students attend secondary School,less than 1% get to University.

As you can see a very poor country with massive needs in the area of health and education. (Key ROTARY Focus areas)

Steve and his foundation are making a difference. You can help by donating to his cause here this the link to the website for  more 
information.  http://adoptavillageinlaos.wordpress.com

Photos: Our speaker Steve Rutledge, Past President John Edwards presents Steve and his sister Dawn with a token of our appreciation for sharing.
