Oct 12 Notes
Meeting commences at 7:15
Induction of Wayne Baldwin – Linda and Cliff represent
Breakfast – introduction of guests 
Barry won 50/50
Victoria won queen of hearts - $795
Happy dollars
Larry collecting for Nightshift Ministries – new socks and underwear or money and they will buy
Richard Coulter send health healing thoughts.
Auctioned off popcorn
Budget – special general motion 
Stewart P reviewed budget and explained to club
Centre for Child Development - Sophie's Place 
Allison and Lenore for the Centre for Child Development - helping children with special needs reach their potential!
Five programs in need:
•    Recreation therapy
•    Eating skills
•    Coasting and splinting
•    Equipment team
•    Family Service
A place of hope, encouragement and happy smiling faces.
Enchanted Evening Gala - Nov 24 at the Sheraton Guildford
Meeting adjourned at 8:35