Oct 02, 2015
Kyle Salazar www.thevervetforest.com
Wildlife Conservation - A Culture of Monkeys and the Plight of Humanity

Kyle Salazar is a filmmaker who grew up in Palos Verdes, California. For the last few months he has been working on a documentary film about monkeys and people in South Africa.

The film, titled, ‘The Vervet Forest’  - features adorable orphaned baby monkeys as a catalyst for a broader conversation regarding lifestyle sustainability, social structure and the ideology behind cultural oppression.

On October 2nd, Kyle will share his stories on living with monkeys and what they have taught him about human social interactions, his dealings with witch doctors and irate farmers and what it's like to be absorbed by full frontal poverty.

The goal of the film is to raise enough funds so that the Vervet Monkey Foundation, a non profit monkey rehabilitation organization in South Africa, which Kyle first visited as a volunteer in 2007 - can purchase several hundred acres of land to sanction as a wildlife reserve, which will provide a home for hundreds of Vervet monkeys. The reserve will also provide jobs for dozens of impoverished individuals and research/education opportunities for people from all around the world.

The documentary is in the early stages of production and Kyle is currently raising awareness in order to complete this important film. Please visit the Kickstarter campaign page: http://kck.st/1PgLL2i if you would like to learn more about the documentary and its story.