It is time to select the students for our Abbotsford Rotary High School Graduation Awards!
Thursday, April 4th , from 4:00 to 6:30 pm in the Rotunda at Abbotsford Senior Secondary, 33355 Bevan Ave.
We need 8 volunteers in order to make all of the selections within the 2 hours that evening. Please contact Pat Tonn at to volunteer.
Pat will set up our Rotary Club table with selection charts and student applications. This is how it works:
There is a binder of applications from each Abbotsford high school.
For each school we will be selecting an award recipient that is selected with the criteria of 1. Academic ability, 2. Leadership, 3. Community service/Volunteer, 4. Need
Each person will get a binder and a selection chart to record your results. You will be asked to review one binder and select a first second and third choice for the award for that school.
Light refreshments will be served. We will make sure our secretary notes a Rotary meeting make-up for your time doing award selections.