Greta McHaney-Trice is an educator with a Master's in Teaching and the Curriculum from Michigan State University. She worked 33 years with the Lansing School District in administration and teaching elementary students. From 2013-18, she worked at the Resolution Services Mediation Center of Central Michigan (RSCCM), one of about 18 centers in the State. Greta served as Executive Director working with courts, businesses, schools and agencies to provide and train in mediation, facilitation and other dispute resolution services.
She is a certified mediator, facilitator and currently teaches Restorative Practices at the Ingham County Jail. Her involvement with Pave the Way Project began in March of 2019. Her role is to help coordinate this grant funded initiative that documents the impact Interstate 496 had on the city of Lansing, particularly the African American neighborhood it intersected.
Pave the Way has become one of her most meaningful and inspiring opportunities she has had to learn about and serve her community. A long time resident of Lansing she's gained great insight into the sacrifices others made toward the evolution of this city.