Contact: Zbig Skiba
Evanston Lighthouse
Rotary Headquarters
1560 Sherman Avenue
Rooms A & B
Evanston, IL  60201
United States

Rotary Means Business is a networking event for Rotarians, affiliates, and their friends.  These events are now open to non-Rotarians, who can attend as a Guest.

For registration, go to


-- Open networking and heavy appetizers
-- Formal networking - Introduce your business to all participants
-- Thank you's for referrals, business or support from other Rotary networking participants
-- NEW: Get business feedback from other participants

Elevator speech

Each attendee should be prepared to give a 30 second elevator speech about their business.  A common format is as follows:

We work with ____________ (target market) who _____________ (have this issue or challenge.)
We help them to get __________________ (ultimate outcome).

Bring at least 30 business cards.
