Above are guest speaker L. Sue Baugh from Wild Stone Arts and incoming club President Max Slankard.
Wild Stone Arts™ began as an artistic project by Lynn Martinelli and L. Sue Baugh to document the world’s oldest rock and mineral sites. "We expected to bring back only photos and stories for a book" Sue said "but the power, clarity, and beauty of these sites radically changed the course of our work. We came to believe that the enduring power of Earth could help strengthen and support not only ourselves but other people during these times of profound change in the world".
Wild Stone Arts was formed with two goals in mind:
  1. To share with you the supportive, nurturing energy of the oldest rock and mineral sites through products, patterns, and prints designed by ancient Earth. Items we use everyday can enfold this energy into our lives.
  1. To join with you to protect and preserve Earth’s resources and ancient sites by creating new ways to live and work on our planet. Nature can teach us a great deal about how to build a company, a city, a country and make it life-sustaining.