During the month of August, club secretary Margie Glenn announced she was stepping down from the club secretary position effective September 1, citing significantly increased travel plans for the year including spending the bulk of the winter in Scottsdale, Arizona. On September 20, Mike Hunter stepped down from the club's vocational service chair position concurrently with his resignation from the club. In the interim, Dave Aubry, Jocelyn Ellison, and Gary Cohn are handling elements of the secretary duties, and Gary is handling the student of the month and scholarship programs.
These positions are open for all members to consider serving the club. If you are interested in serving as the club's secretary or chairing the vocational service committee, please contact club president Amy Mutal by phone, by email, or in person to express your interest. Club officers are elected by the membership, typically after being included in a slate of officers presented by the board of directors. Successors to Margie and Mike should be prepared to attend club and board meetings in order to take and report the minutes, and conduct and report on the work of the committee, respectively.