Over the past month, 31 club members responded to a brief survey regarding the key attributes of weekly club meetings. Three questions were posed to club members, and an opportunity to offer comments followed. In summary, club members prefer Mondays to any other day of the week, and share an overwhelming preference for dinner meetings rather than breakfast or lunch meetings. More are comfortable with a $40 limit to meal prices compared to other options, and several were willing to pay more for meeting meals.
Q1: Please select which weekdays you would prefer the club hold regular meetings. (Choose all that you would prefer.)
Q2: Please identify from among the following times of the day which one you would most prefer the club meet.
Q3: Please choose from among the following amounts the highest amount you would be willing to pay for a meal during a regular club meeting.
A more detailed, final report on the results, entitled "Survey 01: Club Meeting Preferences", including tables and the comments submitted by respondents, may be viewed by clicking on the embedded link above, or in the Documents section of My ClubRunner (password required in either case). The survey is now closed. If you have questions about the survey, contact Gary Cohn.