Sunnyvale to Start SAFE program

On September 27, Louie Pellegrini, President of Garden City Sanitation Co. spoke to our club about the new food waste recycling program recently approved by Sunnyvale City Council.  The program will be similar to that currently underway in San Jose.  Click here for more information.  SAFE is the acronym for Sustainable Alternative Feed Enterprises.  More information on SAFE can be found here.  When sorted and processed at high temperature, food waste becomes a nutrional, pathogen free and odorless food stock for farm animals, particularly hogs.  It is also approved as a supplement in dry dog food.  One ton of processed food waste has the equivalent nutritional value of 1300 pounds of corn or 700 pounds of soybeans.  The Sunnyvale program was tested as a plot and will be rolled out to the entire city in 2017.