Matt, donning a magician’s hat and holding a magic wand, returned this week as Secretary and thanked Manny for pinch-hitting for him last week. Jill Woodward from Omaha Southwest Rotary joined us as a guest.  Brett Wawers was fined for Lamp Rynerson’s sponsorship of the Omaha Symphony.  Nizar Mamdani got Matt fined for an article on Bitcoin.  Matt pulled a rabbit out of his hat.  A number of Rotarians had good news.  The club held our First Annual Ray Barr Loud Outfit Contest.  Dan Ferris won for loudest neckware (also sporting a great outfit and purple shoes), Dick Lerner won for best outfit (wearing orange pants he made for Ray Barr) and Jim Meier won for best costume.  Winners received wonderful Boy Scout coupon books.  Matt made himself disappear.
Matt donning a magician’s hat and holding a magic wand