Last week, our President Nuzhat Mahmood presided the meeting. Don Otis gave the Invocation. Gail Veitzer and Dwayne Brown served as Greeters while Manny Paz was Cashier. Mark Ellsworth was Sgt At Arms. Rana Scarlett-Johnson was Chair of the Day and she introduced our speaker Millard Public Schools Superintendent Jim Sutfin, who spoke to us in great detail about the upcoming levy override vote in the Millard School District.
Superintendent Jim Sutfin
L to R: Don, Nuzhat, Jim, Marian, Rana, & Matt

Announcements: Manny announced the Keep Omaha Beautiful project; Suburban Rotarian David announced the Monster Mash project; Suzan reminded everyone about the Scan, Shred & Save Party; Susan updated us about Career Day; and Kim invited us to Soup Supper. Details of these events can be found on our Club website calendar.
Steve Esch giving his vocational talk and he was over 2 minutes. President Nuzhat's timer was working very well and she fined Rotarians at Steve's table.  Yes, you will never know who's giving the vocational talk until the name is called.
Here's your hard working Friday Crew: Cashier Manny Paz, Sgt At Arms Mark Ellsworth, Greeters Gail Veitzer and Dwayne Brown.
Manny balanced our accounting sheet
Mark made sure our badges are in perfect order
Greeters Gail and Dwayne made sure to greet Matt or else they will be fined