Last week, our President Nuzhat Mahmood presided the meeting. Luke McNeese gave the Invocation, Karin Lombard and Mark Ellsworth served as Greeters while Anne Fuhrman was Cashier. Gretchen Radler served as Sgt. At Arms. Past President Rich Secor introduced our speaker Matt Gregorgy from the Nebraska Wildlife Federation. Matt spoke about the state of wildlife in a warmer world. 
Nuzhat introduced our newest West Rotarian Bob Kully. Nuzhat also presented Blue Badge to Jim Meier. Holly Gillespie gave her vocational talk.
Bob Kully was introduced by his sponsor Nuzhat Mahmood
Newest Member Bob Kully received a warm welcome from Karin
After meeting the rigorous Red badge requirements, Jim Meier received his Blue Badge from Nuzhat
Holly Gillespie gave her vocational talk and she went over two minutes. Martie Cordaro, without prompting from the head table, knew the drill and fined Rotarians at Holly's table including himself.
Here's your FRIDAY CREW:
Anne Fuhrman balanced our accounting sheet
Gretchen Radler showing off the badges were mostly gone because we had a very good attendance
Mark Ellsworth and Karin Lombard served as greeters
Pictured here is a long line at check-in because Rotarians were busy handing in their $100 checks for The Rotary Foundation, like what Bob Lovgren and Laura Iliff did.