Join Rotary President Barry Rassin at the 110th Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany, 1-5 June 2019. The historic port city of Hamburg offers something for everyone. Germans call it “The Gateway to the World” — and the 2019 convention will be your gateway to the world of Rotary. At the convention, you’ll connect with people of action from across the globe while learning the latest news and strategies for keeping clubs strong.
As a past convention attendee, you know that every convention is an opportunity to learn. Not only will you be inspired by the energy and enthusiasm that surrounds you, you’ll also make new, unforgettable memories that can last a lifetime.
Join your Rotary friends in Hamburg at the 2019 Rotary Convention where together, we’ll Capture the Moment.

Share the excitement by downloading the promotional kit or by sharing the official promotional video to your social networks.