We should celebrate Rotary's success here.  These homes are the result of a Rotary Rotahome project part financed by Rotary clubs from Geelong including Highton.  Barry Bell of Geelong club was the project leader.  Our club financed a container load of tools for a similar 70 dwelling village at Lautoka.  Barwon Water designed the water supply and drainage system there free of charge.  A wonderfully successful Rotary project overseen on the ground and championed by Peter Drysdale a tireless worker on the ground in Fiji.
Top Stories: Village built by Australian for Fiji's poor survives cyclone unscathed
Cheap, sturdy houses designed by an Australian man have survived Fiji's devastating cyclone with barely a scratch and provide a potential blueprint for reconstruction efforts.

Key points

  • Of the 230 Koroipita houses none sustained significant damage
  • Peter Drysdale uses roofing screws for sturdier construction
  • Villagers thank Mr Drysdale for giving them safe houses
  • The houses could be built in five days for $13,000 each, Mr Drysdale says
In Koroipita, or Peter's Village, on the north-west coast of Fiji's main island Viti Levu, residents are cleaning up after Cyclone Winston.
But it is not a massive effort like those seen in othe...
Read the full story


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