Scott Willard "zoomed" into the Kingston North Kitsap Noon Rotary Club's Jan 26 meeting.  Who's he?  The recently-appointed Executive Director of Kitsap Homes of Compassion.
     Scott reminded Rotarians the Kitsap Homes of Compassion (KHOP) rents multi-bedroom homes in Kitsap County, typically four-to-five bedrooms.  It then "rents" those bedrooms to folks who are, or are on the verge of, experiencing homelessness.  At monthly fees of $650-$700 per month, residents still don't cover all costs.  The goal of KHOP is to provide long term supportive housing for folks who may be employed but their incomes are such they cannot afford apartments or homes.  They currently operate 25 homes, with 110 bedrooms, including a home in Kingston that accommodates as many as five men.  
     Three needs were addressed:  volunteers, money, and wisdom.  According to Scott, "the future is to develop homes ourselves," which is why KHOP is in the process of purchasing the former Gorst Elementary, to develop it into fifty units of housing.  They have applied for state funding, etc., but the total cost will be $7m.  "Just housing is not enough, though, there is a need to provide support services, too," according to Willard.
     Volunteers are needed to work ten hours per week in various capacities.  Those interested can volunteer, or find more information, at