Ukraine healthcare professionals visit northern Arizona


Sedona Fire Chief Kris Kazian meets with Ukrainian health care professionals during their visit to northern Arizona Sept. 11-12. Their visit is part of the Open World Exchange/Friendship program chartered by the U.S. legislature after the collapse of the Soviet Union to foster goodwill between the people of the former Soviet states and the people of the US. The group of six young Ukrainians with five other leaders/interpreters and Rotarians toured northern Arizona, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Kingman, Lake Havasu, and the Mayo Clinic.  Our club's International Services Director Dick Youngberg thanked Club President Holli Ploog and her husband and Jennette Bill and her husband for hosting some of the visitors. Jennette said the doctor who stayed in her home said there would be changes in their health care as a result of the visit. Holli also thanked Dick and his wife for hosting Ukraine visitors.