Feb 09, 2017
Howard Pell
Retire Fit Fit and Fit

My topic is the same as the title of my new book “Retire Fit, Fit & Fit”. In essence, the book and my lecture explore my belief that we all need to be more than just financially fit to retire. We must also be physically fit to do those things we want to do in our golden years; and we must also be emotionally fit to actually want to retire. That is, we need to have the carrot to get out of bed every morning without the stick of a job.
I can deliver a talk of any time length from 15 to 30 minutes and would welcome the opportunity to offer my book for sale after my talk. As a Rotarian, I am also prepared to donate $3.00 of the cover price of $18.00 to Polio Plus for each book purchased by a Rotarian at these talks.