Last week's meeting was dedicated to the memory of our club Historian, PAG, PP Roger Kelty who would have had his 46th anniversary in the club this year.  PAG Roger also had perfect attendance throughout all of his years in the club.  The Public Image committee arranged a very special meeting in his honor where poems were read, photos of PAG Roger throughout his years in the club were shown, tribute videos were shown and several special videos which the Public Image Committee had created in Roger's honor were shown.
There were also remarks and tributes by other past presidents and special friends and then the floor was opened for members to share their memories about PAG Roger.  One point that stood out and that was said by everyone that spoke of Roger was how he motivated and inspired them.  He encouraged persons, made them feel good about themselves and brought out the best in everyone.  The entire week was designated as PAG,PP Roger Kelty week and the club remembered and will continue to remember his great contribution to Rotary and to humanity. 