Dec 03, 2020 5:00 PM
Roger Frick - Peace Learning Center
Implicit Bias Workshop

The Pontiac Rotary Club is extending an invitation to other civic clubs along with friends in the region to join us on a Zoom call on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 5pm.  The special program is an Introduction to Implicit Bias.  The idea that we all hold unconscious attitudes that we are not necessarily aware of.  Put another way we may harbor negative stereotypes about others without consciously realizing that we do so.  Once we better understand the condition how can we move past our individual biases.  Put mildly, it is a huge task as well as a timely topic.  

We are fortunate in partnering with the Peace Learning Center located in Indianapolis.  Our presenter is Roger Frick.  Roger retired from the Indiana Assn. of United Ways.  He has been a volunteer with the Peace Learning Center and serves as a facilitator for Implicit Bias. 

Expect an additional email after Thanksgiving containing an Implicit Bias Resource kit and a link to the Harvard test allowing you to explore your individual bias.  As was stated our December 3rd session is an introduction.  Plan on an hour plus program followed by an invitation for those interested to stay on the zoom for further discussion.