Birmingham Rotary Club, December 22, 2014

Due to a communications glitch, we did not have lunch at the Community House on December 22, but had a brief business meeting and heard our speaker, Mr. Ron Gries. Due to the busy holidays, we were a smaller group in number than usual.
President Steve led us in the pledge of allegiance and Linda Hatfield gave a thoughtful invocation. We sang Happy Birthday to Dave Underdown whose special day is January 2. Announcements were shortened so working members could eat lunch before returning to work
Our speaker Ron Gries, author of “Through Death to Life;” was introduced as a hospice volunteer, an author and a public speaker, He told us the story of his journey through his wife Patti’s death in 1999. He went from experiencing horrible grief to finding new life through helping others as a hospice worker and writing his book which he spent $16,000 to publish. His book documents his care-giving years and years of grieving for his wife through 86 poems, letters to his children and prose. He read one of his poems to the group. Some of the lessons he learned include; if you are willing to feel the pain of loss, then you will heal. He has learned that when he grieves, the moment will pass. Ron does grief support all over the state of Michigan. His final message to us was to remember the following in times of loss:
1. Believe that you will heal
2. Do the emotional work that you must do
3. Don’t be afraid
4. Find joy
5. Say “yes” to opportunity
Submitted by Shirley J. Bryant
January 4, 2014