Posted by Helena Wimpole

In 2007 a female member of the Rotary club of Oakland, California, felt the need for the establishment of a Singles Rotarian Fellowship. She had been widowed and due to her experience of living alone, she believed that single Rotarians worldwide would welcome such a fellowship that was not associated with partnered Rotarians, but would allow single Rotarians to attend Rotary International Conventions on their own, and have the opportunity to network with other singles.

The Rotarian Singles Fellowship International was chartered in 2009 and since its inception it has had a booth at the House of Friendship at all Rotary International Conventions where members meet for meals and excursions.

The aim of the Fellowship is to provide a networking experience for single Rotarians, and the only requirement for membership is obviously that the person is a Rotarian and single.  It however, is clearly not to be regarded or intended as a dating service. Networking with other single Rotarians is a good way to share ideas, make travel easier and more economical by sharing room expenses, provide support for Rotary service activities, and make lasting friendships and practice the ideals of Rotary.

An important aspect of the Fellowship is that it is made up of Chapters, whereby groups of single Rotarians within specific areas or within Districts can meet for friendship and to work on Rotary projects together.

In all there are more than 300 members of the Fellowship from around the world in eight regions with approximately 42 in the Oceanic region.

For further information refer:
