We were joined by Sue Williams, CEO of Cabrini Health and also Bec Staples who is the Manager Corporate Partnerships at Cabini at our Monday meeting.
Sue gave us a very comprehensive overview of Covid 19 as it has progressed since early in 2020. The very well formulated graph above was used to guide us through  the two waves of the virus.
The Covid journey at Cabrini has been very significant and of course is still continuing. As a private hospital at various times elective surgery has been discontinued and then allowed at differing levels. Funding agreements are in place with government to ensure private hospitals remain operational and financially intact and available to take patients as necessary. Sue is hopeful Cabrini will be fully open by the end of November.
Sue spoke about the differences between the first and second waves of the virus and how Cabrini has responded. Importantly Sue sees significant change ahead with greater use of telehealth, more home-care, increased mental health and aged care resources and funding, the discontinuation of the use of four bed wards and changes in the relationships between public and private hospitals.
Thanks Sue and Bec for a very informative presentation.