Steve Wylie spoke about extending the Club's relationship with the aged care sector and asked members to provide advice to him of contacts that they may be aware of in the sector who could hopefully help develop the relationships.
Doug advised there has been great demand for the FORaMEAL packs especially from individuals and families who do not qualify for government assistance programs. The Club is now partnering with a number of organisations including Foodbank and Northpoint in Tullamarine to help distribute the food packs.
Also the FORaMEAL website has been relaunched with a new look - please see the story below.
We were very pleased to be advised by Rose Stewart that she has been in contact with an organisation  called Pinchapoo (slang for pinch-a-shampoo) which is proudly responsible for creating a cheeky hotel toiletry 'pinching' movement 11 years ago and which has been involved with distributing care packs at hospitals for some time. Rose has arranged for the organisation to commence providing the care packs to Box Hill hospital. Well done Rose for getting this sorted.
Bob Lambert advised that the Board had approved a project to distribute welcome bags (they could have called packs but both of the stories above have been about packs) to new residents in Boroondara. While there is still some planning to be put in place, the concept is that a bag containing a welcome letter,  information about Boroondara, a fridge magnet and information about Canterbury Rotary Club etc would be distributed by members to the new residents in the area.