Hi all if you missed out on adoption a teddy … never fear as I will bring some more into meetings over the next few weeks. The teddys came from Kurrajong North Richmond Rotary Club whose ladies knitted them for Interplast which is an NGO that sends volunteer doctors and pediatricians to third work countries and takes the teddies for the children. The teddies will go to the children at St Joseph’s Hospital.
They are $50 each . Your teddy will go to a specific child.
So far 14 teddies were adopted ready for distribution. There are so many more teddies waiting for adoption. You can also purchase for family and friends .
If you prefer to make a contribution please send $50 to
Team Vista Ltd
Bsb 035-006
Account 340823
I will then write your name on a child’s card for you.
Thank you so much
Kerry Anne