Held at Salt Hill PUB
Called to order by: President – Elect Suellen
Opening Song: ROTARY
Patriotic Song:    “Oh Spacious Skies"
Song Leader:  Garlan     
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: None
 Raffle:  No raffle
: District Assembly is scheduled for April 29,2017 at Lydonville College:
: Rob Taylor, Director the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce announced the Life Home Show for 3/17 through 3/19
: Evan and Steve W. met with the Riverside Club on working together for the Interact Club, scheduled for 3/29
: Listen Food Dinner is confirmed for  3/29
: The Club received a "Thank You" note from Bev Wakely
: Bruce P. bragged they he attending the PETS meeting
: Rob attended the Lebanon Riverside meeting and represented our Club. First year medical students on the opiate program
: Ernst bragged that Linda is coming back from her trip and bring a carpet back
: Bruce P. delivered 7 Valentine Songs
: Valarie is excited she was able to hire someone
Rotary Minute:
Bruce P. that the first "Rotary" meeting was attended by just two members, of which Paul Harris was one. The second meeting had 4 other members, with the intent of naming the Club.  Paul Harris    
came out with Rotarian @BB.
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Mercer is the Program Manager of the Artic Research, Support and Logistics of the Science Foundation. She gave a fascinating program on "What's Happening in the Artic".
Meeting was closed by Sueellen with The 4-Way Test:
Of the things we think, say or do - 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? and 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Submitted by: JoAnn Lemieux