Meeting Called to order by President Kevin
Opening Song: Rotary
Patriotic Song led by Bruce Pacht:  My Country tis of thee
Song:   No song piano player Ernst still out
Visiting Rotarians:   None
Guests:  Brian White guest of Evan
                Zoe Grodan RYLA attendee from Mascoma High School guest of Steve Whitman.  Zoe spoke of her experiences at RYLA and look to promote the program at the High School this year.
Raffle:  Don McMeekin drew the Ace of Spades so the money is safe for another week.
Announcements:  Marion Steiner reported that the annual Auction will be held at the Fireside Inn & Suites on November 19, 2016
                                 Bill Babineau reported that dues bills have been e-mailed to members but for those not so inclined he has had copies also.
                                 The District Governor will be making his visit on September 1, 2016.  We need a good attendance at this meeting
                                 The Hanover Rotary Club is having a gala on November 15th
Rotary Minutes:  Jon Blodgett reported on the Council of Legislation's votes at the 2016 International Convention.  Many changes such as meetings how many, different days to meet  to accommodate members.
All of this to increase membership and keep our members.
Rich Wallace on his daughter returning to UNH and the wonderful experience she had working  at Mascoma Savings Bank this summer.
Bruce Pacht:  On his new experiences with his motorcycle.  This one does not have training wheels
Forrest Cole:  On his experience driving for Upper Valley Ride
Jennifer Grant:  On tying the knot at the Calvin Coolidge birthplace recently
Bill K: On his upcoming trip to Munich with the family
Jane Mason:  On her father's and brother's trip to Switzerland
Jamie Whyte:  On his visit to the newly remodeled Mascoma High and Middle School renovations.
Program:  Club Forum