It's my pleasure to help you guys experiencing your Rotary experience again in the Keyway.
With your motivation to help others and activities in the local community and all over the world you add a divine touch of giving and service-to-others to life.
Unfortunately humanity is not yet in a position to live peace, love and happiness, rather we prefer conflict, hate and suffering as it appears looking back for the last 10,000 years on a global and micro level, individuals and families. Probably it will take 'a few more years' until the human mind will change. Change won't come from governments or corporations but one day it will emerge from society - and society is every single human being including life supporting organisations such as Rotary.
In collating the information for the Keyway and posting it to you, I do my humble work in the background to support the Rotary Club of Howick.
For the coming festive days and beyond, I wish you time to reflect and recharge - and lots of love.
Take care