Contact: Daisy Ping
Auckland South (Inc)

New Zealand

planting is this Sunday ( the 8th) ,  also at Waitawa  - 10 a.m start.


All mature trees are valuable , even non natives as the caterpillars, moths and many insects that feed on that vast canopy of leaves, berries, seeds and flowers  are food for skinks, geckos , bats and birds. It is only old trees that have developed holes in their trunk for birds like kaka and kingfishers to nest in. So while it is wonderful that we are planting so many young trees in or reserves and parks , it is a long time before they support the same variety and quantity of wildlife as old trees. There is currently no protection for trees on private land and that is why we have seen such a tremendous loss in Auckland over the last few years.

I am imagining that if you are on this email list , you care for the environment of  NZ and  recognise that the urban environment also important – particularly in Auckland where the city takes up the whole of the isthmus, making it hard for animals to cross from East to West (so the Manukau to the Waitemata) and North to South (so Northland to the rest of the North Island!).

Mature trees are  a crucial part of wildlife corridors 

From Mags Ramsey