Rotary Club of Bridgewater & District
Osprey Ridge Golf Club
Thursday, 16th June, 2016 - 1:30 p.m.
  Proceeds to Youth Programs, including the Breakfast Program at Bridgewater Elementary School
To Whom It May Concern:
The Rotary Club of Bridgewater & District is proud to be hosting their Annual Golf Tournament! 
Your contribution helps make our community a safe, healthy and happy place to live! Because of the generosity of business people like you, we have been able to continue our involvement in such projects as:
·        Big Brothers – Big Sisters
·        Stay in School Program (through Junior Achievement)
·        Hillside Pines “Rotary Room” – (a furnished room with kitchen) for the residents to relax or to visit and
            entertain family and friends
·        Bridgewater Music Festival
·        Harbour House - local transition house
·        Community Events Sign
·        Safe Grad Program
·        Youth, Seniors & Veterans projects, including donation to Senior Wheels
·        Purchase of energy efficient freezers for the BW Interchurch Foodbank, New Germany Foodbank and Mahone
            Bay Foodbank
·        BW Interchurch Food Bank Insu-lation Project to save heating costs
·        BW Elementary School – Breakfast Program, outdoor play equipment, school gardens
·        Rotary International Polio Plus project and other international projects
·        Water bore hole & pump in Lesotho, Southern Africa
·        Safe water project in Nepal affecting 700 school children plus a village of 155 homes & a health post with 49
             patients & employees
Participation in this event does offer significant promotional opportunities. Besides being associated with a worthwhile charitable event, which will benefit our community, you gain exposure to influential members of the community that will patronize and refer your business for its generosity.
In particular, we are offering Tee or Green Advertisements for $250.
Your sign will be placed on one of the tees or greens, which will be seen by all of our golfers. We can prepare a small 1’x1’ sign for you, or you can provide us with a sign of your own (think BIG!). Sponsors and prize donors will also be recognized in our tournament brochure. All proceeds raised from the tournament will go towards Rotary projects.
We truly appreciate your support in meeting our objective. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Philip Leefe at 543-7815.
Rotary Golf Tournament Committee
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Rotary Club of Bridgewater & District
2016 Annual Golf Tournament
Osprey Ridge Golf Club
June 16th, 2016 – 1:30 p.m.
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Bridgewater and District, we would like to thank you for your generous advertising sponsorship in the amount of $250.
As requested, your signage will be placed at tee/green number ___________
The Golf Committee