Madison-After Hours
United States of America


The Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) is one of the largest grassroots, multi-club, multi-district projects in Rotary. More than 600 clubs and 80 districts have been working together since 1997 to improve education for underserved students in Guatemala. In that time, nearly 225,500 students have been served through four sustainable programs that are tested and proven to work.

Join us this Sunday as Emily Paver discusses what past RI President Ian Riseley has called "the gold standard of Rotary projects" for its sustainability and impact!

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5440622028?pwd=UjRMRlZjWnNnVzlYb3N3dk5kSC9tUT09
Meeting ID: 544 062 2028
Passcode: MadisonAH