Greater Rochester
United States of America

Welcome to our 7/29 meeting with friends. The program is most interesting. I saw it on the District's Friday Feature and was impressed. It features an excellent education program and demonstrates the impact education has on students. 

Presentation from Mounds Park Academy junior, Salmah Elmasry, and Upper School teacher, Katie Murr to hear the moving World War 2 story of PFC Riley from Minnesota.  https://www.facebook.com/moundsparkacademy/

Join us for a Zoom Meeting: http://zoom.us/j/114602661?pwd=VlRTcE5FdXE0UUFHMk54ekxLTEFxQT09

Meeting ID: 114 602 661 Password: 991373

 - OR - To just listen in, call: (312) 626-6799. Enter the meeting ID: 114 602 661.