R Dan introduced Dawn Bailey - Elbourne, Executive Director of New Life Girls Home.
Dawn explained that New Life Girls Home has been in operation for 30 years. It is a Christian program for young women between 18 and 30 years old who have issues with addiction or mental health problems. They have 4, 8 and 12 month programs with maximum 9 girls who stay at the home. They provide a holistic approach to the young women, providing love and support.
Their program is very structured. They have chapel services, art programs. They do a day a week at community service such as at Salvation Army, local churches and assisting seniors.
They are a faith based organization, but a variety of denominations. Donors included churches and individuals.
The average length of stay is in blocks of 4 month semesters. The women are to pay something, upto $1,000 per month. They work with the women so they don't turn away due to money.
The home is 100 years old, on shores of Weller's Bay in Consecon. Due to the age of the building, they are at a Crossroads. Either replace the building or fix it.
R Ricardo thanked Dawn.