Today was our second virtual club meeting and we are getting used to the technology.  It’s fortunate that the technology is available; imagine the impact of Covid-19 on business and society in the absence of teleconferencing!
Some of you may already be aware the Gerry Tietz’s wife, Marlys, passed away yesterday due to complications from Lupus.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Gerry and Marlys’ family in this difficult time.  A memorial service will be planned when gatherings are permitted.
Cindy Carlson reminded us that the NYFS Leadership Luncheon will be held “online” tomorrow (May 6th) from 11:30 to 1:00PM.  This year’s event features retired Star Tribune columnist and editorial writer Lory Sturdevant presenting: Minnesota: the State that Votes.  Contact Sandra Bahr at 651-379-3422 or to get your invitation to the online meeting.
Geoff Hollimon reported that the ECHO Grant Final Report has been accepted by Rotary.  The $12,800 matching grant supplied a two wheel tractor and implements to the ECHO farm in Fort Myers.  Geoff said that eight clubs contributed toward the grant.  ECHO is extremely grateful for our continuing support.
Geoff also reported that NBMV, A.H/Shoreview and Roseville Rotary Clubs banded together to secure special district matching funds for a $3101.52 total contribution to the Suburban Ramsey Emergency Coalition’s Covid-19 Response Fund.  The coalition is raising funds to help those in our communities who are most negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis.  The coalition’s focus is on the greatest areas of need, beginning with food insecurity and housing instability.  The Community Support Center, of which we are a founding member, was the first to apply for a grant from the fund.  Our club has donated $1,000 in addition to our $100 Matching Grant contribution and you are encouraged to consider a personal or business contribution as well.  Geoff asked us to consider using some or all of our federal stimulus checks.
Donations of any amount may be made by check payable to the Suburban Ramsey Covid-19 Response Fund and mailed to:
       Suburban Ramsey Covid-19
       Response Fund
       c/o Carol Brown-Mills
       5845 St. Albans Court
       Shoreview, MN 55126
Carol is a board member of Shoreview Community Foundation and she’ll forward them to The St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation each day. They will still get their tax receipt from the St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation with tax ID # 41-6031510.
Online contributions of any amount can be made at at this URL:
You may also consider helping the Coalition in one or more of the following ways:
  • Identify potential donors and contact them with requests for support.
  • Consider serving on one of these working committees:
    • Communications
    • Events
    • Volunteer Coordination
    • Fundraising
Check out the Coalition’s Facebook page by clicking here.
The Gold Plate Dinner has been cancelled for this year and this will leave a giant hole in our ability to grant charitable requests in the coming year.  The board recommends that members consider their $150 ticket payment as a fully deductible charitable donation.  Several members noted that the $75 Covid-19 dues reduction would also help to offset the donation.  President Dennis will convene an online meeting on Monday, May 11th, at 1:00PM, to plan ways to recoup the remainder of the funds that will be lost due to the Gold Plate cancellation.  Watch your email for an invitation to attend the online meeting.