President Edeth James’ Quote of the Day: “I learned to give not because I have much, but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing” – Anonymous
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Nyle Zikmund introduced Sarah Curtis to speak to us about The Works Museum.  The Works Museum is committed to providing all children with access to STEM educational opportunities that will help them to reach their full potential.  The Works’ mission is to encourage the next generation of innovators, engineers and creative problem solvers to consider STEM career paths. Sarah noted that elementary school children are natural engineers, constantly finding creative ways to deal with the challenges that life presents.  But many kids, as they get to middle school and high school, lose their enthusiasm for STEM classes.  The Works provides hands-on experiences for K-6 students that help to maintain their passion for STEM.
Over the past 25 years, over 75,000 people have visited the museum, participating in the kinetic ball structure, racer ramp, sensor maze, light harp, giant kaleidoscope and lego wall activities.  But that’s just on the main floor.  The upstairs classrooms are where the real learning begins, providing a wide variety of creative learning opportunities.  The Works also goes out into the community; providing school programs, family engineering nights, and several different workshops.  Of course, these opportunities are all virtual during the pandemic but they hope to be open to the public again this June, when  we are all invited to bring our kids and grandkids to see how “cool” STEM is.  Admission is $9 and family memberships are $75.  Summer programs and classes are booking now.  Volunteer opportunities are also available.  For more information, contact Sarah:  Website:
Cindy Carlson summarized today’s board meeting:
•    The treasurer’s report showed that, with adjustments to reflect pandemic changes, we are in good shape financially and we should be right on budget for this Rotary year.
•    The club will provide financial support for the upcoming Human Trafficking Forum.
•    The chocolate bunnies intended for the cancelled Egg Hunt will go to CPY and Ralph Reeder Food Shelf.
Ed reminded us that February is Rotary’s “Share The Love” month. The matching points that are being offered by the program are a great way to accelerate your progress toward your first, or your next, Paul Harris Fellowship recognition.  Get your checks in to John Ordway or, if you donate online, notify John of your contribution.
Geoff Hollimon noted that the Suburban Ramsey Emergency Coalition is finalizing plans for the “Keep Moving” Virtual Run/Walk fundraiser.  The Coalition is also appreciative of direct contributions.  Make your checks payable to  Suburban Ramsey Covid 19 Relief Fund.