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Brad Langford introduced local entrepreneurs Frank and Wesley Thompson of Bayside Brewing Company. Frank and his wife along with 2 partners created Bayside and the inhouse restaurant in the historic but well-worn Lakeview Inn in Erieau in 2011. Frank had the inspiration for this kind of operation early on, but instead had a career in the family grain business. Since the opportunity arose, the operation has grown to a restaurant staff of 50, a sales team headed by son Wesley that supplies 100 restaurants across most of Ontario and have sold 420,000 liters of beer and 50,000 pizzas!
There are 38 Craft Breweries in Ontario, growing to 10% of the market. Bayside in kegs, bottles and cans, and plans are underway to expand the capacity and add a canning line (now contracted out). No samples were available, but Erieau is only 20 minutes away and there are now a broad range of regular and seasonal choices, coming to an LCBO near you.  See more at